Saturday, May 21, 2016


Short sunny walk to Foncebadon- about 10.5 miles. As you can see in the grafts, about the last 2/3's were a steady climb up the mountains. Narrow trails at points, loose rock, stagnant mud.
This mountain path until the 18th century was the preferred route into Galicia. The path has always been treacherous, and the townspeople dedicated themselves to making the way and serving as guides. A steady climb ahead is La Cruz de Ferro (Iron Cross) as seen in the movie "The Way."

My very first "ahhh shit" moment, where I actually thought, "what the hell am I doing here?" Lol.


  1. Great photos Ralph. It still looks pretty cold there. It's almost June, warmer weather has to be on the way soon. You have made quite a distance so far, you look like your morale is high in your pics too. All good here. :-)

  2. Great photos Ralph. It still looks pretty cold there. It's almost June, warmer weather has to be on the way soon. You have made quite a distance so far, you look like your morale is high in your pics too. All good here. :-)
